
Advanced Care Planning
Helps to start the conversation about the End of Life
Organ Donation
Supporting the Human Right to Death with Dignity
National advanced care planning program
A simple site offering free worksheets on advanced directives
Make your medical wishes known
Community Information
An online platform where you can explore mortality, end of life planning needs and gather information about grief and loss
Communicating Health News to Family & Friends
A short documentary film by Dr. Jessica Zitter, highlights the growing, essential and unseen role of family caregivers in America
A nonprofit, unperson or on-line, scheduled meeting bringing people together for food, drink & conversations about death
A nonprofit organization supporting conversations on death through hosting dinner parties
Celebrate people you love while they are still here to hear it
After Death Care
The nation’s first non-profit education institute dedicated to conscious dying, and a holistic, green, compassionate, and dignified alternative to conventional funeral and after death care
Readings, songs, and rituals
End-of-life and funeral planning resources and guides
Supporting family after a child dies
Non-profit organization support families and providers caring for children with serious illness
Provides online and in-person support where children, teens, young adults & their families can share their experiences before and after death
Grief and Loss Support Group (find a group near you)
A website of articles on many types of grief